Monday, July 18, 2011

Are people who are unattractive get this way (or think they are not).?

I am just wondering this because my boyfriend is SO critical of girls. He is a very not good looking guy (I am just saying what is what people view as good looking,he is not to those standards at all!). Which brings me to my point of why the heck is he so critical of girls (who I think are VERY pretty and I'm sure most people would). He thinks that Kayla collins the playboy playmate isn't very pretty and she looks like a cabage patch doll. Ok really? He also thinks that so many other very pretty girls aren't good enough or very pretty. It's like why are you talking.. look at you. Please take this as a logical explanation and not "mean". I am just giving you facts that you don't know about to help you answer my question. So please don't say "that's your boyfriend your mean". I am just looking for the answer why is he like this?

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